11th March COMMONWEALTH DAY with Mark Wills


Mamy dla Państwa nową formę warsztatów on-line, skierowanych głównie do maturzystów i mających na celu bliższe zapoznanie się z kulturą krajów anglojęzycznych. Taka jednodniowa pigułka kulturowa w przystępnej cenie (5 zł/40 minut lub 20 zł za 4 warsztaty). Uczniowie otrzymają zestaw pytań i ćwiczeń interaktywnych by się przygotować, a wiedzę skonfrontują z prowadzącym i pozostałymi uczestnikami na spotkaniu.

  9:00 – 9:40 The British Empire becomes the British Commonwealth of Nations
10:00 – 10:40 Commonwealth member states
11:00 – 11:40 The Commonwealth today
12:00 ? 12:40 The future of the Commonwealth

To provide more insight into Commonwealth Day, Mark will collaborate with the students in four sessions, each beginning with an audiovisual-based introduction, followed by individual and group research tasks, and a collective discussion at the end so that students can present their findings and ideas. Students will be provided with a list of questions to research before the workshops, as well as a number of interactive quizzes.

9:00 – 9:40 The British Empire becomes the British Commonwealth of Nations: Together with Mark we will follow the creation and disintegration of the British Empire, and how the relationship between the United Kingdom and the former colonies has developed, from the British defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, through the American Revolution and key figures such as Mahatma Gandhi, to the return of Hong Kong to China in 1997.

10:00 – 10:40  Commonwealth member states: Together with Mark will study and reflect on the history of and the British legacy present in countries such as Jamaica, India, Australia, South Africa and Canada.

11:00 – 11:40 The Commonwealth today: With Mark, we?ll look closely at what unites the 56 members of this voluntary association of sovereign states, in particular issues related to language, business, culture, sport – using the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games as an example – and monarchy.

12:00 – 12:40 The future of the Commonwealth: Mark will help us analyse key issues, including whether the new King Charles III will be as effective as Head of the Commonwealth as his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, what new cooperative projects could be created to strengthen the association of nations and how, you, the students feel about the British Empire and the subsequent Commonwealth.

Cena: 5 zł /ucznia / 1 sesja 40 minut
Zapisy na http://naukabezgranic.pl/webinaria-rezerwacja/ 

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