Tom is a qualified English teacher and experienced dancer, story-teller and bagpipe player. Originally from the coastal community of Dornoch in the Scottish Highlands, Tom has brought his energy and talent to many Scottish dancing and culture workshops around Spain, Italy, France and Germany. Now, he has accepted the invitation to work with NauaBezGranic in Poland.The History, Geography, and Culture of Scotland.
Famous Scots
Event type: Workshop
Facilitator: Thomas Smith
Minimum age: 10+
Level: Elementary / Pre-intermediate + / Intermediate / Upper-intermediateTime: 60 min.
* On demand contents, level and timing can be tailored to groups? needs.
Scotland is a country with a rich history and has produced many famous figures over the centuries. From ancient warriors to modern-day inventors, Scots have made significant contributions to the world in various fields. In this interactive talk, we will explore the lives and achievements of some of the most famous Scots and discuss the ways in which they have shaped the world we live in today. By the end of the workshop, audiences will have gained a greater appreciation for the culture of Scotland, and the many contributions that Scottish people have made to the world.
The History, Geography, and Culture of Scotland
Event type: Workshop
Facilitator: Thomas Smith
Minimum age: 10+
Level: Elementary / Pre-intermediate + / Intermediate / Upper-intermediateTime: 60 min.
* On demand contents, level and timing can be tailored to groups? needs.
We all know what the capital of Scotland is, but how much do we know about the flag, the symbols, and the language of Scotland? What are St. Andrew’s Day, Hogmanay, and Burn’s Night? Why are haggis, porridge, seafood, Irn Bru, and whisky important? Do you know anyone famous in Scotland? Let’s find out more about Special days on the Scottish calendar, traditional food and drink, bagpipes, tartan, and the kilt, and meet some famous Scots today. Get ready to take part in a quiz!
Scotland and its Languages
Facilitator: Thomas Smith
Minimum age: 10+
Level: Pre-intermediate + / Intermediate / Upper-intermediate
Time: 60 min.
* On demand contents, level and timing can be tailored to groups? needs.
Scotland is a land where multiple languages coexist. We’ll learn about the evolution of Gaelic, Scots, and English in Scotland, exploring how language reflects the nation’s rich history. We’ll also look into the variety of English accents in Scotland and across the UK as well as exploring the principal foreign languages spoken.
Scotland in Films
Facilitator: Thomas Smith
Minimum age: 10+
Level: Pre-intermediate + / Intermediate / Upper-intermediate
Time: 60 min.
* On demand contents, level and timing can be tailored to groups? needs.
Lights, camera, action! Scotland has long been an inspiration for filmmakers, providing breathtaking backdrops for both classic and contemporary cinema. From the epic landscapes of Braveheart to the magical world of Harry Potter, we’ll take you behind the scenes of some of the most iconic films shot in Scotland. Discover how this land of castles, lochs, and wilderness has become a beloved character in its own right on the big screen.
Ceilidh Dancing
Facilitator: Thomas Smith
Minimum age: 7+
Level: Elementary / Pre-intermediate + / Intermediate / Upper-intermediate
Time: 60 min.
* On demand contents, level and timing can be tailored to groups? needs.
The easy, fun dances that Tom brings to schools are influenced by his family roots in the small Hebridean island of Raasay, so students and teachers are guaranteed an engaging and authentic experience. Our ceilidh (pronounced Kei-li) workshops immerse students in natural English while they dance, sing, learn about a new culture and experience the real Scottish bagpipes. It?s plenty of English and zero digital!