Mamy dla Państwa nową formę warsztatów on-line, skierowanych głównie do maturzystów i mających na celu bliższe zapoznanie się z kulturą krajów anglojęzycznych. Taka jednodniowa pigułka kulturowa w przystępnej cenie (5 zł/40 minut lub 20 zł za 4 warsztaty). Uczniowie otrzymają zestaw pytań i ćwiczeń interaktywnych by się przygotować, a wiedzę skonfrontują z prowadzącym i pozostałymi uczestnikami na spotkaniu.

To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland, we’ll collaborate with the students in four sessions, listening to Richie Mullaney talking about his native country and culture, as well as collaborating in small groups to share what the students know already. Students will be provided with a list of questions to research before the workshops, as well as a number of interactive quizzes.

  9:00 – 9:40 Traditional Ireland
10:00 – 10:40 Ireland: Fight for freedom
11:00 – 11:40 Ireland through film
12:00 – 12:40 St. Patrick’s Day

9:00 – 9:40 Traditional Ireland: Richie will take us on quick journey through 10,000 years of Celtic history as well as describe in full detail the strange Irish cuisine and the much misunderstood ?drunken Irishman? stereotype and pub culture. We?ll learn about Irish food and drink and the Irish language of Gaelic, among a variety of other topics. Richie himself, is the best example of the Irish spirit and mentality of the Irish, always looking optimistically into reality. 

10:00 – 10:40 Ireland: Fight for freedom: ?Give us the future ? we?ve had enough of your past. Give us back our country to live in, to grow in, to love??, said Michael Collins, an Irish leader. Richie, from Dublin, will take students through the Irish rebellion of 1916. Learn how the Irish gained their freedom after 800 years of suppression under British rule, and how this little island became famous for its passion and its pride.

11:00 – 11:40 Ireland through film: Lights, camera, action! You?ll travel into the world of cinema and learn more about Irish history, culture and comedy. Where did the Irish fit into the legend of Braveheart? Richie will help you get a better grasp of the Northern Irish troubles through ?In The Name of The Father?, see the historical spotlight on Ireland during the 1950s in Angela?s Ashes and more! This session is sure to give all participants a new understanding of the Irish, of cinema in the past and the present and show them that their mind truly is a palace!

12:00 – 12:40 St. Patrick’s Day: Let Richie take you on a trip back 1,400 years to a time of paganism, witches and wizards in Ireland. Find out how St. Patrick became one of the most celebrated saints in history and became the famed patron saint of Ireland! Richie will retell the story of St. Patrick, the same as his grandfather told it to him, and will introduce you to the highlights of the Dublin St. Patrick?s Day Parade. Let?s share the St. Paddy?s Day spirit!

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