Andiswa Ndlazi

Andiswa Ndlazi was born in the beautiful coastal city of East London, South Africa. With a BA degree in Communication Science and vast experience in different Industries across the globe she is immersed in cultural diversity and is proud to call herself a global citizen. She has lived and worked in several countries including the UK and the US. She now lives in Poland, teaching English as a foreign language and as a Marketing and Communications University lecturer.

Lets journey together and explore the English globe.

USA and South Africa: San Francisco vs. Cape Town

Event Type: Workshop
Facilitator: Andiswa Ndlazi
Age: 10-17 
Level: Pre-Intermediate ? Upper Intermediate
Time: 60 min

Lets explore the cultural language and lifestyle of the USA and South Africa.

Come join us as we travel across 3 oceans to tour the 2 beautiful hippy, hilly, mountainous, grapey, tech, island-ish, rich coastal twin cities of San Francisco, California, US and Cape Town, Western Cape, SA. 

This workshop will explore modern English language cool, hippy, slang. Learn to speak like a native. 


American and South African Cities San Francisco and Cape Town

American and South African Cities San Francisco and Cape Town

Festivals and Traditions in the UK, USA and SA

Event Type: Workshop
Facilitator: Andiswa Ndlazi
Age:  10 -16
Level: Pre-Intermediate ? Upper Intermediate+
Time: 60 min

Lets go on a magical and haunting journey of traditions and festivals of the English countries from Guy Fawkes, Halloween, Christmas to the Second New Year Festival and other National Arts Festivals.

This workshop will focus on vocabulary and fluency in a light fun style. 

The Lion King Jungle, a journey from ancient to modern English

Event Type: Workshop
Facilitator: Andiswa Ndlazi
Age:  12 -17 
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Time: 60 min

Lets journey together and explore the culture of the English language of the Bible, British Shakespear and the Imagination of American Disney in mirroring the stories of Moses, Hamlet in parallel with Nelson Mandela and the end of apartheid South Africa.  

This workshop will explore the jungle that is the English language at different eras and regions of the English world. We will play on appropriate synonymous vocabulary and pronunciation, a play on words.

Influential British, American and South African Icons

Event Type: Workshop
Facilitator: Andiswa Ndlazi
Age: 13-17 
Level: Intermediate to Advanced 
Time: 60 min

Lets explore the revolutionary cultures that allowed for the ground-breaking states of Britain?s first Woman president Margaret Thatcher, South Africa?s first democratic president Nelson Mandela, and  US first  Black president Barack Obama. 

This workshop will focus on speaking fluency and accuracy. This is ?BBC English?


American, British and South African Icons Nelson Mandela Quotes

American, British and South African Icons Nelson Mandela Quotes

American, British and South African Icons Margaret Thatcher Reading

American, British and South African Icons Margaret Thatcher Reading

American, British and South African Icons Barac Obama Speech

American, British and South African Icons Barac Obama Speech

American, British and South African Icons Reasearch Project

American, British and South African Icons Reasearch Project

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