Hans Egelhoff is originally from the United States, having spent his childhood in a small town north of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. His university studies brought him to Cork, Ireland, where he studied history and English. After graduation, Hans spent the next eight years managing a coffee shop until he decided to pursue a career in education. Hans Egelhoff has been teaching English in Cracow for the last five years. He began his teaching career at University College Cork, Ireland, before moving to Poland in 2013. He believes in engaging his students as much as possible, so his lessons aim to encourage participation in a dynamic, communicative atmosphere. Besides teaching his students in Krakow at Profi-Lingua, Hans also enjoys exploring the many beautiful sights of Poland, particularly the Bieszczady mountains.
New York, the City that Never Sleeps
Facilitator: Hans Egelhoff
Minimum age: 12 -17
Level: Elementary / Pre-intermediate / Intermediate
Time: 60 min.
* On demand contents, level and timing can be tailored to groups? needs.
New York City-the Big Apple, the City that Never Sleeps, or in the words of John Paul II-the capital of the world. The biggest, most dynamic, and arguably most influential of American cities has a rich history and culture all its own. This workshop will examine the architecture, history, and distinct culture of this American megacity, while also reflecting on what city life is like. Along with interesting, insider information about New York, students will also be given a short lesson in the specific dialect of New York City.
Halloween: Origin and Traditions
Facilitator: Hans Egelhoff
Minimum age: 10-17
Level: Elementary / Pre-intermediate / Intermediate
Time: 60 min.
* On demand contents, level and timing can be tailored to groups? needs.
A discussion of the history, meaning, and symbols of Halloween and its impact on popular culture. Hans will share his experience of Halloween, that he knows from his childhood in the United States, tell a few stories, and will also engage the group. It is widely believed that many Halloween traditions originated from ancient Celtic harvest festivals, particularly the Gaelic festival Samhain; that such festivals may have had pagan roots; and that Samhain itself was Christianized as Halloween by the early Church. Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, attending Halloween costume parties, carving pumpkins into jack-o’-lanterns, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, divination games, playing pranks, visiting haunted attractions, telling scary stories and watching horror films.
American Traditions: Thanksgiving
We will have a look at the historical origins of Thanksgiving and the traditions connected to it, and examine the foundations and the transformation of this holiday in American culture. Topics covered include food, games, and seasonal customes. Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated in Canada, the United States, some of the Caribbean islands, and Liberia. It is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States, and around the same part of the year in other places. Although Thanksgiving has historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, it has long been celebrated as a secular holiday as well.
The Symbols of the United States
Event type: Interactive talk
Facilitator: Hans Egelhoff
Minimum age: 10 -17
Level: Pre-intermediate / Intermediate / Upper-intermediate plus
Time: 60 min.
* On demand contents, level and timing can be tailored to groups? needs.
A look at the images which represent the United States of America from a historical and cultural perspective. Aspects explored include landmarks, people, food, sport, architecture, and natural landscapes. The talk will be interspersed with historical and political information, as well as lesser-known trivia. The presentation includes pictures and images to reinforce themes introduced, while striving to include as much audience participation as possible. Following the talk, a brief interactive quiz will be done as a group activity.
American Symbols VOCBULARY WORKSHEET Hans Egelhoff
American Symbols VOCBULARY WORKSHEET Hans Egelhoff
American Myths and Legends
Event type: Interactive talk
Facilitator: Hans Egelhoff
Minimum age: 10 -17
Level: Pre-intermediate / Intermediate / Upper-intermediate plus
Time: 60 min.
* On demand contents, level and timing can be tailored to groups? needs.
American Myths and Legends, or American Tall Tales, is a look at the legends and myths of the United States. The lecture will include historical background, context, and basis of the legends and their importance in American life today. The presentation includes illustrations to help students follow the stories and achieve greater comprehension. A wide range of vocabulary will be introduced, with a particular emphasis on American English words and expressions. Audience participation will be encouraged and there will be a couple of traditional American games, which students can take part in.
American Legends and Myths VOCBULARY WORKSHEET Hans Egelhoff
American Legends and Myths VOCBULARY WORKSHEET Hans Egelhoff